
lliving – Interior, Design & Travel

I’m Laura, an interior designer from Hamburg. I live with my cat Harley in a beautiful one-bedroom apartment and attempt everything about interior and decoration. 

Here on my blog I write about my first passion: Interior, fine design, inspiration & stores that you should visit. Just as well about my second passion: traveling, different countries & exploring new things.

The curiosity for new stuff and new experiences has shaped me my whole life. That’s why I started blogging. I want to tell you about stories behind furniture, trends, how every living space has potential, & all about traveling.

I hope by sharing my passions and experiences I can inspire you to try new things and do things that bring you joy.

Now I hope you enjoy reading and if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to leave me a message.

Grateful that you’re here 

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I'm Laura, born in 1994, interior designer from Hamburg, Germany, interior & travel lover